Table of Contents

Getting Started for Organization Leaders 📹

Getting Started for Small Group Leaders 📹


Getting Started for Small Group Members 📹


⁉️ FAQs

What Makes Transformed Unique?
- We create positive peer pressure by letting small group members see each other’s progress
-We promote variability in discipleship by empowering organizations to create their own custom curriculum for spiritual development
-We humanize and augment discipleship by notifying small group leaders who is engaged and who isn’t. Leading to renewed and supportive relationships
Is Transformed available on Android?
No. Currently we support iOS but hope to have Android soon.
How do I invite an organization to join?
  1. Visit and Sign In
  1. On the left hand pane of the portal and scroll to find “Invite Organization”
  1. Enter the email of a the organization you want to invite and
  1. Hit Invite and your done 🙂 
  1. We will send them an invite via email to get started on the Admin Portal
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How do I invite leaders to my organization?
Make sure your leaders download Transformed by Cherith in the app store prior to joining via the invite email
  1. Click “View Groups” within Transformed Admin Portal on the left pane menu
  1. Fill in the details for the Add a Leader table
  1. Once complete tap Send Invite
  1. Your small group leader will be sent an invite email
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Where do I access the Transformed Admin Portal?
How do I create a group?
As an organization leader create groups within the admin portal where you invite group leaders.
This is done on View Groups page
Once your invited leader accepts an invite the app will automatically create a group for them. Now they can invite people to that group and begin discipleship.
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How do I delete a group?
  1. You delete groups in the Admin Portal for Transformed
  1. In the Left Hand Menu Choose View Groups
  1. Scroll down the page and locate Delete A Group
  1. Enter the name of the group you wish to delete and press “Delete Group”
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How do I recover my forgotten password in-app?
  1. Open up the Transformed App and start on the Login Screen of Transformed (only shown if you are logged out)
  1. Click on Forgot Password?
  1. Enter your email
  1. We will send your a reset password email
  1. Click Reset Password in the email and it will prompt you to reset your password
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How do I change my password in-app?
  1. Open up the Transformed App
  1. In the bottom tab menu locate Settings
  1. Under Account choose Change Password
  1. Enter your new password and hit save
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How to get started when my organization is not on Transformed?
These steps and form are for organizations that are currently not on Transformed
  1. Fill out our interest form here
  1. We will send you an invite to set up your org via email in 48 hours (check your spam)
  1. Open the email on desktop
  1. Click Join
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  1. This opens the admin portal registration where you can create a profile
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What are the different roles and what permissions do they have?
Invite Other Organizations
In App Group Analytics
Organization Wide Analytics
Invite Disciples
Invite Leader
Manage leaders
Upload Curriculum
In-App Chat
In-App Curriculum
Org Admins
Small Group Leaders
Small Group Members
How Do I Submit Feedback In-App?

💌 Get in Touch

Still didn’t answer your question? Let us help! Shoot us an email @ we will get back to you in 48 hours.